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Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
我們是一間溫馨的義式廚房~~歡迎你們的加入 或可去fb查詢我們的資訊 不管男女老少~一起家加入page 6這個大家庭
Like Rotisserie Roast chicken? we got it! like other yummy stuff to go with it? Ha! got that too.Papa Poulet is a take away rostisserie located in Tienmu ,next to Shr Dong Market. We offer an advanced ordering system, simply call up , place your order and pick up at your chosen time. Our full menu can be found here in the photos below. We are open from Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am-8pm, but closed in the afternoon from 2-3:30pm To get there take the MRT to ZhiShan station then the free Tagashimaya shuttle bus to Tagashimaya. We are one block behind Mr Doughnut
於1982年董事長呂明通先生在台灣成立三崧貿易有限公司(與上鮮農產有限公司為同體關係企業)網址:www.3shine.com.tw,開始以出口本產蔬果為主要業務,後來因為台灣工資昂貴、耕種土地取得不易,價格無法與國外出口商競爭,於是逐步轉型改為進口蔬果為主要業務,主要的進口以根、莖、花果菜為主,特別以西洋芹菜、結球萵苣、青花菜為大宗,目前我們公司的超人氣招牌商品-T&A羅美心,特別甜脆多汁,賣相極佳。 三崧公司能夠穩定成長,主要是我們對於品質嚴格把關、產品多樣化、穩定的供應市場,與國外的優質廠商長期配合,以品質優.鮮,供貨平價.穩定,深受消費大眾的信賴,消費者可以在好市多、頂好、松青、佳世客、Jasens等超市、及全省各地的傳統市場買到我們進口的新鮮蔬果。 有鑑於國人對健康、安心、無農藥、無化學殘留的新鮮蔬果需求日益增加。我們於2001年開始進口國際有機認證的新鮮有機蔬果,提供消費者豐富的多樣化的選擇。 We are an importers of all kinds fruits and vegetables here in Taiwan like Romaine Heart, Lettuce, Broccoli, Celery, Onions, Carrots, Paprika, Pumpkins, Citrus fruits, Potatoes, Radish, Yams, Cabbage and organic apples, organic potatoes, organic Citrus etc. from different countries all over the world, and our main focus is to give our customers high and premium quality for their satisfaction. * Three Shine started import and export business in 1982 * Retail Sales was established in 2001 * Three Shine Trading is working with reputable suppliers worldwide to source fresh produce with best quality and competitive prices. * All items imported by Three Shine passed strict inspection and with traceability capability that consumers can enjoy produce with no need for safety concern. 主要商品 / 服務項目: 我們進口世界各地優質的新鮮蔬果. 我們進口的蔬果品質新鮮、健康、安心. 我們進口的蔬果品項最多樣化. 我們的供應貨源最穩定. 我們的業務人員24小時接聽電話. 我們與顧客互動頻繁. 直接進口、包裝、配送提供最佳服務. 於1982年成立貿易部. 於2001年成立超市業務部. 於2003年成立餐飲業&超市包裝配送部
您可以由FB網站上面查詢串堂居酒屋 老闆由青島鑽研回來的好口味 由幾個好朋友一起共同經營 以串燒為主
一個諸多媒體報導過的少年創業家(七年級生) + 曾在世界最大電子商務網站服務的客戶經理(六年級生) 我們現在合作的事業體(一家小公司)現在要擴大徵人了 本業美妝產品已獲得小成功 現在要成立電子商務事業部,我們要找業務(正職.兼職皆需要),條件如下: 在我們的想法:客戶第一,員工第二,股東(老闆)第三,所以我們很在乎員工的福利跟照顧 我們重視你的態度及人格特質更甚你的能力,我們不想把你當員工而想把你當夥伴,所以我們要找正直及善於溝通之人 1、願同甘共苦,未來利潤共享,男女不拘 2、限高中以上學歷,熱愛閱讀,因兩個老闆都愛看書,可能會在喝下午茶時找妳討論哪本書寫的如何。 3、不排斥運動,因為我們有打算送員工隔壁百貨公司健身房的會員資格,因為我們自己也是會員。 4、樂觀積極,抗壓性強,對自己有自信,我們怕妳受到挫折就哭,兩個大男人真不知道怎麼安慰女生。 5、只靠底薪經濟狀況能撐得住前三個月,第四個月後妳有極大可能會領的比一般公司的主管還多。 6、不會抽菸的,因為兩個老闆不希望被二手煙嗆死。 7、七年級老闆決定給同仁坐一張兩萬元的椅子,希望妳在工作時不會如坐針氈。 8、希望妳快樂工作而不得意忘形,希望大家以禮相待,我們希望這是一個氣氛很融洽的環境。 9、對網路要有些概念,如果對關鍵字廣告或seo能有一些認識最好,如果沒有,也希望妳有在玩fb或 blog,如果都沒有至少要有一些業務經驗,如果以上都沒有,但妳仍覺得妳適合做業務,那我 們也願意聽聽妳的想法。 10、要有交通工具(至少要有機車),因為妳會需要常跑客戶。 11、正職的最好是住在台南,兼職則不限。 12、必須認同阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲所說的這句話: 準時下班是應該的,不準時下班也是應該的,只有工作 沒做完是不應該的。 我們試圖創造一個快樂工作的環境,我們也願意非常大方的利潤共享,所以我們要找到很適合我們的人 以上條件,若有符合或有興趣者,請留言回覆或將相關履歷寄至[email protected] 黃先生
1.消防工程.繪圖.設計監造 2.消防工程.施工.會審.會勘 3.消防安全設備.檢修申報 4.建築物公共安全檢查
關於博琝 About GLOBLE-TEX Globle - Tex Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 with the professional experience in manufacturing and sale of fabric materials. Globle-Tex has established well integrated supply chain dedicated servicing and in deliver creative, on-demand products. Our QC, in fact, imposes an extremely high standard for all incoming materials, semi-processed, and finished productions. To be a member of the planet, Globle-Tex commits to be responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials to all the possible applications. 博琝實業有限公司成立於1999年,擁有完整的供應鏈系統為客戶提供具創意及符合需求之產品,為一經驗豐富之專業材料販售及製造商。品質要求為博琝實業最高原則,同時,作為地球一員,博琝實業承諾將貢獻己力開發環保素材並使其得到最佳運用,將綠地留予大地。 經營理念 Company Philosophy 創意 Creative Developing customize products with well integrated supply chain and flexible capacity to fulfill customer satisfaction. 靈活運用並整合產品供應鏈,為客戶開發客製化商品滿足內在需求。 創新 Innovation Provide comprehensive products to customers by outstanding technical capability and system utilization. 藉由專業化科技及系統之運用,提供完善的產品鏈及銷售整合服務。 附加價值 Value-Added Dedicated in understanding customers’ needs and wants to provide best services and quality products. 致力於了解客戶內在需求並提供最佳服務及優質商品。 永續發展 Sustainable Responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials. Protecting the environment is the indispensable duty. 地球只有一個,環保材料之開發為環境永續發展盡一己之力。
本公司經營海底電纜電信業務擁有第一及第二類電信執照,係外商在台子公司。 REACH will work with you to provide an innovative suite of services designed to allow you to grow your business by offering end-to-end communication services to your customers. Through our global partnerships, we can provide services integrated with Asia domestic networks and delivered into Europe East and North and South America. The services inclusive of Data Services, IP Services, Voice Services, Satellite Services and Added Services.
大安消防安全設備有限公司創始於民國85年,成立至今已十五年。公司設立於高雄市苓雅區,是高雄地區口碑最佳、經營穩健的消防公司。成立多年來以專業技術為前提、確實的品質管理精神,作為工程設計、規劃及施工之後盾。本公司為隨著時代的光纖化,於消防安全新時代提供現代化生活之永久的綜合性防災觀念,以良心事業為本,共建更安全的生活環境。 大安團隊為一家專業消防廠商,擁有一流的技術人員:合格消防設備師、消防設備士、水電技師群,本著專業證照及技能,堅持以最好的配合度、最快的交件速度及最優良的產品、施工品質為顧客提供優質的專業服務。
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